What shall I do with my old electricals?
Sat, 22 Oct
Polls, talks and Q&A regarding options for disposing of old electronic devices and impact of improper disposal.

Time & Location
22 Oct 2022, 15:00 – 16:00
ZERO, 14 Friary St, Guildford GU1 4EH, UK
About the Event
What is on offer?
A one-hour interactive event with polls, short talks, and discussions. The event will include two talks about the impact of improper disposal of old electronics and the illicit trafficking of electronic waste, and about the options that we have to safely dispose electronic waste.
What's it about?
The aim of the event is to raise awareness about the impact of improper disposal of old electricals such as phones and computers and to provide suggestions on how to make sure they are disposed safely. Participants will learn about the options available when disposing of an old electronic device and the impact that improper disposal might have at the global level.
Who is leading the event?
Giulia Berlusconi, Lecturer in Criminology at the University of Surrey
Who is it open to?
Young people and adults
Who will it be of interest to?
Anyone who owns a phone, computer, radio, kettle, ...
For more information about the ESRC Festival of Social Science 2022 and other events being delivered by the University of Surrey, please visit this website